Soft power is the art of influencing other countries through culture rather than war. The…
The president of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso, has reminded us that in the…
Blogs and social network sites have been increasingly gaining ground over the last few years…
The Occupy Wall Street protests have now been ongoing for over three months. The media…
A friend of mine, who is very keen on anything British, recommended me to watch…
I can’t claim to have an in-depth knowledge of Woody Allen’s movies. But one thing…
The Chinese government has recently decided to tackle the issue of youth unemployment: all academic…
Our campaign, UNHATE, which has provoked many comments of all kinds, also presents some philosophical…
I received from friends Alex Zanardi and Francesco Canali, this beautiful account of their Venice…
It is never good news for the economy when consumption slows down. However, it is…