Being an entrepreneur requires passion



Going back for a moment to the award I received on Monday, Entrepreneur of the year 2011, when the people from Ernst & Young called to tell me that I had been picked by the jury, for a moment I thought that they were pulling my leg, that they had called the wrong person. Obviously this was not the case.

In my experience, since I started 21 Investmenti what I always enjoyed the most was the opportunity to participate in the development of the companies we were investing in.

For this reason, listening to the other entrepreneurs talk about their companies was exciting. It reminded me of how much commitment, how much passion you need to pursue an idea, a project – also because quite often you are the only one who actually sees its true potential.

Just one final note about yesterday evening: I witnessed a remarkable performance by Paolo Carta, a young artist who draws with his hands in the sand. The show was called Magic Sands.