
An app that gets you moving

I am always keen to learn about new technologies, especially when they are easy to use and offer clear benefits

11 years ago

Facebook invests (precisely) in Sweden

Facebook has chosen Sweden as the site for its first European data warehouse (the place which houses the server). How…

11 years ago

Who has the oldest ruling class in Europe? Italy

I was invited to LUISS University to meet the students, which, as always happens on these occasions, turned out to…

12 years ago

With new challenges come new goals

As you are probably aware, on April 24 I was appointed chairman of Benetton Group, the company bearing the family…

12 years ago

Everything is changing – except education?

Everything is changing, from social networks to the growth of China and the development of stem cell technology. These are…

12 years ago

What has Italian cuisine to do with soft power? For the time being, everything

Soft power is the art of influencing other countries through culture rather than war. The concept, which dates back to…

12 years ago